Conjoined Twin Engaged
It was announced on XM Radio that conjoined twin Brittany Hensel is engaged. The connected twins were born in Minnesota and sky-rocketed to fame the moment they were born. To heighten peoples’ curiosity, Brittany and Abby filmed a popular documentary for the TLC channel and have been seen in various esteemed magazines.
Though Brittany is engaged, Abby (her other half) is not engaged. They also have separate driver’s licenses, favorite foods, distinct personalities and so forth. So why is it so shocking to know one is engaged? What about sex? Let’s face it. Sex is the question on everyone’s mind. It’s not like one can leave while the other is having sex. Will both enjoy the sex together? If they have children whose child will it be? I suppose what is awkward to us is normal to them. Best of luck Brittany, and congratulations on your engagement.
The Anatomy of the twins from Wikipedia:
Most of Abigail's and Brittany's shared organs are located at or below the level of the navel and their merging coccyx.
•2 heads
•2 completely separate spinal cords
•2 spines with ribs bridging the two columns
•1 broad ribcage, with surgery to correct scoliosis and expand the pleural cavities
•2 breasts
•2 highly fused sternums, traces of bridging ribs
•4 lungs (medial lungs moderately fused, not involving Brittany's upper right lobe); three pleural cavities
•1 diaphragm with well-coordinated involuntary breathing, slight central defect
•2 hearts in a shared circulatory system (nutrition, respiration, medicine taken by either affects both)
•2 stomachs
•2 gallbladders
•1 liver, enlarged and elongated right lobe
•Y-shaped small intestine which experiences a slightly spastic double peristalsis at the juncture
•1 large intestine with one colon
•2 left kidneys, 1 right kidney
•1 bladder
•1 set of reproductive organs
•2 separate half-sacrums, which converge distally
•1 slightly broad pelvis
•2 legs
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