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Monday, September 17, 2007

Winamp goes where iTunes doesn’t dare

I've been using iTunes in combination with a little app called Hamachi for some time now to share my home music library with my computer here at work (where sadly I spend most of my time), but I've never been a huge iTunes fan - it was just the only thing that worked for this purpose. As an anal music cataloger, the limitations imposed by iTunes "user friendliness" were just too many. Winamp has always been a superior player, but without the network sharing, it was missing *the* key component that is most important to me.

Not anymore apparently! Or rather, not starting on October 10th and 10:10am when Winamp 10 is released!

Its still yet to be seen how straight forward its going to be, but I'm hopeful to say the least. There's a beta out now that the Pig Roaster will be testing in the next few days - stay tuned for my first impressions.

Read more about the new Winamp 10 features here.

Chismillionare's Monday deal of the Week!

Slingbox PRO and Sling HD Connect Cable Bundle $189.99

The Spectacular F430