Obama Team Watches Operation To Kill Bin Laden vs. PATROTS GAMES - Harrison Ford
From: https://mikecanex.wordpress.com/
By: mikecane01@gmail.com
I saw it last night in Flickr and was thinking about posting it.
What finally caused me to — despite the fact it’s all over the media now — is Rex Hammock’s post: Why the White House situation room photo is so powerfulHe touches upon many things I noticed too.
One thing he didn’t mention after the break.
I was reminded of the classic scene from the movie Patriot Games. Jack Ryan’s research leads to a raid of a terrorist training camp:
The reality was nothing like that. The banality of the Situation Room is remarkable. Especially when you see the end of the room they were looking at:
Nothing but a simple screen. No special technical operatives. Not even dimmed lighting. Everything is under fluorescents, as in any anonymous conference room.
According to a TV news report this afternoon, the SEALs wore helmet-mounted cameras. I don’t know if we can conclude there was live video being piped to that screen. Besides, since it was a night raid, everything would have had a greenish monochromatic Night Vision tint and it wouldn’t have been possible for viewers to distinguish any faces.
I doubt anyone was gauche enough to exclaim, as in the movie, “That is a kill.”