Cranky Babies Yield to the Power of Reggae
Memo to all new parents: whenever your precious snowflake becomes an agitated little monster, let Uncle Bob calm him down. The magic works instantly:
Adding Value To The World, one Post At A Time
Memo to all new parents: whenever your precious snowflake becomes an agitated little monster, let Uncle Bob calm him down. The magic works instantly:
Posted by gjblass at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: music
"Star Wars"-style holograms? Fabric that mimics Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? Some of the most implausible sci-fi concepts are becoming a reality
In "Inception," a rogue scientist (Leonardo DiCaprio) controls other people's dreams. In real life, a new high-tech sleep mask promises to let you control your own dreams. Photo: Screen shot/
Hollywood has long been obsessed with ahead-of-the-curve technology — flying cars, time machines, self-lacing sneakers. In certain cases, however, science is catching up, creating functional versions of Hollywood's most futuristic ideas. Here, 8 once-merely-cinematic innovations that are being developed for real life:
1. A 3D hologram (Princess Leia hairdo not included)
It's been more than 30 years since a stunted 3D hologram version of Princess Leia implored Obi Wan Kenobi to help her in George Lucas' original Star Wars. Now University of Arizona researchers claim they're close to creating a similar effect using 16 cameras to record the original "message" from different angles. Once the data is sent to a 3D holographic printing system, lasers "write" the images on a photosensitive polymer screen.
2. An invisibility cloak worthy of Hogwarts
In H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man, a scientist learned how to prevent his body from absorbing or reflecting light. In both fiction and on film, young wizard Harry Potter stumbles upon a cloak that can do the same thing. Now, British scientists have invented a material called "Meta-flex" that interrupts and channels the flow of light so that, theoretically, an object covered with Meta-flex could not be detected by the naked eye.
3. A Spotless Mind-like memory eraser?
In Michel Gondry's 2004 movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a man (Jim Carrey) is able to erase the memory of his ex-girlfriend (Kate Winslet) using a fictional process the film describes as "technically... brain damage." Now, a team of neurologists at Johns Hopkins University have found a way to remove a certain protein "responsible for recalling fear" from the brains of mice. Lead researcher Dr. Richard L. Huganir tells The Daily Mail that the technique may, one day, be "applicable for the treatment of... post-traumatic stress syndrome associated with war, rape or other traumatic events."
4. "Precrime" detection in the style of Minority Report
Steven Spielberg's Minority Report (2002) offered a vision of life in 2054 in which law enforcers could arrest people for crimes they had not yet committed. In a real-life twist, Florida's Department of Juvenile Justice is using IBM predictive analytics software to identify teen offenders who are likely to commit more crimes. Teens who are judged high-risk are steered into intervention or rehabilitation programs — a better fate than that of Minority Report's would-be criminals, who were put into a deep freeze.
5. A real-life Iron Man suit
In the blockbuster Iron Man franchise, industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) dons dizzyingly high-tech armor and manages to end every war on the planet. Seemingly inspired, defense contractor Raytheon has developed an exoskeleton suit that it claims will let soldiers lift 200-lb. weights several hundred times without tiring, punch through three-inch blocks of wood, and walk up stairs — if not as nimbly as the acrobatic Iron Man.
6. "Beam me up, Scotty": The first step
Teleportation, a staple of sci-fi films since 1958's The Fly, was popularized by the original "Star Trek" TV series. According to Trek lore, the teleporter will not be invented until the 22nd century — but a team of scientists at the University of Vienna managed to send data through thin air using "quantum teleportation" as early as 2007. "Data," of course, is hardly comparable to a human (or Vulcan) body. True "Trek"-style teleportation remains a theory.
7. An Inception machine? You must be dreaming
In last summer's sci-fi blockbuster Inception, Leonardo DiCaprio and friends are able to enter a dreamer's subconscious to steal corporate secrets. While science is not quite there yet, a device that allegedly allows you to control your own dream is already on the market. The NovaDreamer sleep mask stimulates "lucid dreaming," a state in which the sleeper is aware he is dreaming and can exert control over the dream. The mask was developed by psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge, who says it can help cure sufferers of nightmares.
8. Back to the Future's self-lacing sneakers
In 1989's Back to the Future Part II, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) time-travels to 2015 and gets his hands on a pair of self-tightening shoes with "power laces." Watch out: Nike has patented a comparable design and hopes to release its futuristic shoes in time for the movie's 26th anniversary in 2015. Sadly, no one has yet patented a hoverboard.
Posted by gjblass at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: future hardware, Future Technologies, Movies, New Technologies
posted by: Megan Drake
And in case you're wondering, they are called singers because of their unique vocalizations. A melodious howl becomes a chorus when other singer dogs join in. Have a listen.
The World Population of NGSD Just Exploded!
Last month, in a small town west of Harrisburg, Pa., about 80 of these unique dogs were discovered living with a hoarder. Randy A. Hammond, 58, obtained his first two NGSD at an Ohio flea market in 1995. A man gave him another pair shortly thereafter, and all the dogs found at his property are descendants from those two pairings of singing dogs.
An anonymous tip led State dog warden, Georgia Martin, to Hammond's property. Discovered among rusted out vehicles cluttering the rural landscape were about 68 adult NGSD in scattered kennels. Some had puppies and one was about to give birth. Living conditions were deplorable as the total number of dogs exceeded the 24 kennels on the property.
Jim Tuttle from Public Opinion wrote about the newly discovered singing dogs.Greeted by the "chilling and beautiful" choir of NGSD on her first visit to Hammond's address, Martin researched the breed to determine the best way to help. Various organizations were contacted for assistance. They include:
Local veterinarians are also assisting with spay/neuter and vaccinations. None of the dogs were licensed or vaccinated against rabies, which is required by PA state law.
About New Guinea Singing Dogs
Singing dogs are a genetically and ecologically distinct canine species. They are thought to be a sister-taxon of the Australian Dingo. With New Guinea being an island, interbreeding with other canine groups did not occur. This causes the NGSD to be evolutionarily significant.
Some other unique characteristics of the NGSD are their ability to fold their legs under, much like cats do. They also give cheek rubs as a sign of affection. NGSD's can climb trees and are avid diggers. They have not evolved a dependence on humans, so they won't take to performing work of any kind for us.
Animal Planet video:
The singing dog has longer canine teeth than other dogs, as well as carnassial teeth made for sheering meat and bone. NGSD are very independent and take to training much like a cat -- on their own terms!
A study published in 2010 by Dr. Alan Wilton in the scientific journal, Nature, found the Australian Dingo and NGSD to be the oldest of dog breeds. And NGSD are more closely related to wolves than any other canine species.
Help Arrived
James McIntyre of the New Guinea Singing Dog Conservation Society and Tom Wendt of New Guinea Singing Dog International traveled from Florida and Illinois, respectively, to assist Martin in assessing the singers. Only two of the dogs were considered safe to re-home. They were sent to Susan Oliver near Allentown, a fosterer who has experience with the breed. The others will be sent to sanctuaries or zoos.
Hoarding is considered a mental illness. Animal hoarders often do not realize what they are doing is wrong or dangerous because they collect the animals out of love. Hammond has been very cooperative with authorities and will be allowed to keep 10 of the dogs on the condition they are spayed/neutered. Even though the number of dogs exceeded 80, he had names for each one. He spent more than $100 per week on dog food -- a significant amount considering his janitorial salary at a local retirement home.
What Will Happen to the Pennsylvania NGSD
Eight female NGSD and 17 puppies are already on their way to a sanctuary in Arizona. Add to that a pregnant female and two injured dogs, one with two legs bitten off by their father and another with one missing leg. (It is not uncommon among NGSD -- if puppies are left in a pen with their father -- for this to occur.) Plans are already in motion for the two-legged dog to be fitted for a wheelchair to aid in mobility.
Because of the high inbreeding of Hammond's dogs, McIntyre says they cannot be used for the captive genetic breeding program to further the breed. Hammond's dogs show evidence of too much inbreeding by the reduced tail size and reduction in litter numbers.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is planning to take between 10 - 20 of the singers on November 11, and move them to their Utah-based sanctuary.
What Will Happen to Randy Hammond
Georgia Martin filed three citations against Hammond:
The maximum punishment he is facing is $1,100 in fines. Hammond also received a citation from Dennis Bumbaugh, Humane Society Police Officer with Better Days Animal League, for one count of animal cruelty due to unsanitary conditions.
Posted by gjblass at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Dog, dog breeds, Dogs, Extinct Animals
by: Kristine Hansen
For this totally offbeat home just outside of Mexico City, architect Javier Senosiain was inspired by a snail.
Architect Javier Senosiain was inspired by a snail's spiral shapel when he designed "The Nautilus," a residential property completed in Mexico City in 2007. "Nature is my biggest source of inspiration -- observing and not copying it," he says.
Posted by gjblass at 12:56 PM 3 comments
Labels: Architecture, Design and Architecture, Mexico, Mexico City
Lindsay Lohan is broke. She’s also in need of some serious rehab. What’s a girl to do?
Go vegan, of course. If she sticks with it during the duration of her three-month stint at California’s Betty Ford Clinic, PETA will cover the bulk of her expenses and throw $10,000 her way. Should she stick with the diet for a year afterwards, she’ll receive another $10,00
PETA President Ingrid Newkirk told the LA Times, “Lindsay Lohan is the most visible example of a real addict, and if she can conquer her addiction to meat and cheese, absolutely anyone can. If she does, she’ll not only save animals but save her own health, and she’ll be an example to the millions of people who watch her every step.”
Posted by gjblass at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: california department of corrections and rehabilitation, Lindsay Lohan, PETA, Rehab
Graphic: | says it supports Israel's sick, ill and dying with free medical marijuana. |
Photo: Russia Today |
Israel has the first medical marijuana program in the Middle East. |
Posted by gjblass at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Israel, Israel News, Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana Dispensary, medical marijuana doctors
Posted by gjblass at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bicycles, Bike, Extreme Sports, Extreme Sports Photography, Red Bull, Utah
Guy In Wheelchair Stops Robber - Watch more Funny Videos
Posted by gjblass at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: robbers, Wheelchair, Wheelchairs
Megan Bedard
Kansas State University nutrition professor Mark Haub has been making headlines lately for his two-month Twinkie stunt. For 60 days straight, Haub ate a snack cake for every meal, with Doritos, Oreos and sugar-soaked cereals for snacks between meals.
The crazy part? He lost 27 pounds, and his cholesterol dropped.
Those results are so dang counterintuitive, the questions flood to your head—like a sugar rush.
First of all, what was he thinking?
Believe it or not, the professor had a larger plan in mind. Haub had a hunch that when it comes to dieting, calorie counting is the single most important factor in weight loss. It wasn't what he ate, he thought; it was how many calories it amounted to. He committed to proving his theory as a living example to his students.
But he's a nutrition professor?
Yep. That's exactly what left him conflicted. Having proved his point after 60 days, Haub wasn't so sure he wanted to tout the Twinkie Diet. "I'm not geared to say this is a good thing to do," he told CNN.
Commentors on his Facebook page have applauded and abhorred his actions.
"This is phenomenal, congratulations. Hopefully you will continue to update with your maintenance plan, because I felt on top of what you have done so far—but maintenance is another game altogether from my experience," one fan wrote.
"This 'experiment' boarders on CRIMINAL for a Professor of Nutrition to... be espousing this... Just think how many LAZY YO-YO's in this country will now think eating convenience store food will help them lose weight," complained a dissenter.
Why'd he lose weight, instead of gaining it?
In short, Haub's theory about caloric intake held up. He burned more calories than he ate, and that caused him to shed pounds. As for the other health improvements, like lowering his "bad" cholesterol and upping his "good" cholesterol? "When you lose weight, regardless of how you're doing it—even if it's with packaged foods, generally you will see these markers improve when weight loss has improved," explained Dawn Jackson Blatner, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Will he ever eat another Swiss Cake Roll again?
Yes, actually. Though he's planning to eat more healthfully and add 300 calories back into his daily diet, Haub hasn't sworn off snack cakes.
So overweight people should switch to Little Debbie diets?
Haub wouldn't recommend it. There are other health factors, he says, that we can't predict, such as the link between junk food and cancer. Plus, there's one other factor to consider: energy levels.
What's the lesson here?
Haub pointed out one real-life application to his experiment: tackling obesity rates in "food deserts," areas across America where people don't have access to grocery markets and rely on the food they can find in convenience stores.
"These foods are consumed by lots of people. It may be an issue of portion size and moderation rather than total removal," he said. "I just think it's unrealistic to expect people to totally drop these foods for vegetables and fruit. It may be healthy, but not realistic."
Posted by gjblass at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: alternative health, Eating Healthy, Fat, Health, Health -Wellness, Nutrition