Thursday, September 8, 2011
Ben & Jerry's unveils Schweddy Balls ice cream
By John Curran
Associated Press
MONTPELIER, Vt.—Ben & Jerry's is unveiling a new flavor, and it doesn't sound too tasty.
"Schweddy Balls" is an homage to an old "Saturday Night Live" skit featuring Alec Baldwin as bakery owner Pete Schweddy, whose unique holiday offerings included something called "Schweddy Balls."
Sean Greenwood, a spokesman for the Vermont ice cream maker, said Thursday that the company isn't worried about offending people with the name. He says one of the company's principles is to do fun things and that it fits in with that, just as it did with previous flavors like Karamel Sutra and Half Baked.
The new flavor is available at scoop shops and supermarkets. It consists of vanilla ice cream, rum, fudge-covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls.
Posted by gjblass at 4:07 PM 1 comments
LinkedIn Now Lets You Include Volunteer Experience in Your Profile
by Zachary Sniderman
LinkedIn is adding a new “Volunteer Experience & Causes” field to profiles, the company announced Wednesday. The section will let users highlight and showcase their unpaid or charitable work experience.
Users can click off causes that mean the most to them, fill out an experience profile or add specific organizations — such as the American Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity — that they support.
Promoting your charitable experience will help get you a job, according to a recent survey by LinkedIn. The company polled nearly 2,000 U.S. professionals and found that 41% said that when they are evaluating candidates, they consider volunteer work just as much as paid work. Of the hiring managers surveyed, 20% said they gave a job based on a candidate’s volunteer work experience.
This is good and bad news. Of the 2,000 professionals surveyed, 89% had volunteer experience but only 45% included that information on their resume.
“A lot of people said, ‘I didn’t want to appear to be bragging, I see volunteering as something that I do on a very personal level and I don’t expect to be rewarded for it on a professional level,’” says Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s connection director.
Volunteering is a way of getting your nose out in front of other candidates, Williams says. It helps you meet potential employers or recommendations without having to search out paid work experience in a down economy.
“There are a lot of people that keep it private because they do it for themselves and i respect that,” Williams says. “But at the same time, I think there’s something to be proud of with your commitment to causes.”
What do you think of LinkedIn including volunteerism and causes? Will you add the section to your own profile? Let us know in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Flickr, mariosundar
Posted by gjblass at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: employment, Employment Opportunities, Places of Employment
The Inimitable Pink Panther’s Vehicle Back In Action Of Auction?
The very original Pink Panther’s ride called “Panther mobile” is all ready to fetch £100,000 in the coming month. This incredible vehicle was featured on the famous T.V show Pink Panther from 1969-1976. This car was an invention of creative a Hollywood automobile designer Jay Ohrberg, who also made KITT from Knight Rider and DeLorean from Back to the Future and has designed many Bat mobiles.
The “Panther mobile” was usually seen in the opening and closing of “The Pink Panther Show”, encouraged by the films starring Peter Sellers as useless inspector “Clouseau”.
Mr. Jay Ohrberg owned the car himself till he sold it out for £88,000 in 2007 at an auction. Jonathan Kay then owned this car and he gave a review that “The motor vehicle was in perfectly original condition, and would benefit from some sympathetic restoration as the car is now 42 years old”. The engine is supposedly not working currently but was believed to be running well when the vehicle was auctioned in 2007.
Posted by gjblass at 2:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: auction. antiques, Concept Cars, rare
The Evolution of 'Star Trek' (Infographic)
See the entire history of TV's "Star Trek" in this infographic timeline of the iconic show's first 45 years. "Star Trek" debuted on Sept. 8, 1966.
Source: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration
Posted by gjblass at 1:26 PM 1 comments
This is what it's like to be shot at with an AK-47 - FULL HD
Visit TACs Website: http://www.texasarmoring.comThe last time I visited TAC there was much shooting at various kinds of bullet-resistant glass, steel, and kevlar. We all joked about someone getting behind the glass during the live-firing but no one was crazy enough to do it. Until now.
Full 1080p Video:
Texas Armoring Corporation (TAC), was tired of customers asking if his company's bullet-resistant glass in its armored cars actually resisted bullets. So the CEO asked his employee to shoot at him with an AK-47. It's loud, scary, dangerous, and completely awesome.
"I've never seen anything quite like it," said TAC's Jason Forston, adding "probably because of the inherent risk in pointing assault rifles at humans."
It's an inherent risk the company is dedicated to mitigating with their vehicles, which range from lightly-armored vehicles for worried individuals to IED-resistant SUVs for use in foreign conflict zones.
The glass Kimball is crouching behind, if you were curious, is T7-level bullet-resistant and is 2.16 inches thick in the middle. It's rated to defeat up to 30-06 AP rounds and will deflect rounds from an M-16, AK-47, FN-FAL, and other similar weapons. This specific glass is from an S-Class Mercedes and features an offset edge so it looks stock, which is what you see flying off when it's shot.
"In a vehicle we would cover the offset with an overlap system to ensure complete protection," said Forston.
When it comes to standing behind your product, we hope you don't work for an armored car company.
Posted by gjblass at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: AK-47
Yale hands out 64GB iPad 2s to entire Medical School student body
By David Goldman:
You just never know where the iPad 2 is going to show up these days. From airplane cockpits to the NFL, the iPad is increasingly becoming a favored replacement for massive reams of paper.
Not too long ago, we reported that the Tampa Bay Buccaneer football team gave all 90 of its players iPad 2s to serve as replacements for gargantuan playbooks that made the Yellow Pages seem small by comparison.
And now the iPad 2 is making inroads into medical schools, a fact which shouldn’t be too surprising given its current popularity with doctors and hospitals.
Starting this Fall, Yale Medical Students won’t have to worry about carrying around obscenely large textbooks. Nope, their shoulders will be spared the wear and tear of carrying around a collection of books that can seemingly way upwards of 30 pounds.
So out with the old textbooks and in with the iPad 2.
But far from solely serving as a textbook replacement, students will can use their new iPads to check out Yale’s curriculum and “read and handle confidential patient health information.” What’s more, students will be able to download lecture notes and access course materials as well.
Even better, the iPad 2s are genuine gifts and students will be allowed to keep them after graduation. Of course, that sounds like a great deal until you ponder the insane price of a Yale medical education these days.
All told, Yale plans on distributing 520 iPads to students this year at a cost of $600,000. In contrast, printing up, collating, and distributing course materials via paper eats up $100,000 every year. Not to worry, though, as Yale expects to cover the initial cost of the iPad 2s with the money it will cumulatively save on printing going forward.
The School of Medicine tested the use of iPads in the classroom with a pilot group of nine first-year students last spring. The group included some students who self-identified as not “technology-savvy,” but even they responded positively to the device, Schwartz said. For those who remain committed to pen and paper, printed course materials will be available for purchase.
Robert Stretch MED ’14, a student in the pilot group, said he much preferred reading course notes electronically to having them on paper.
“We get binder upon binder of notes, literally several feet of notes, and carrying them to the library or to class is just unrealistic,” Stretch said.
Oh, and did we mention that the iPad 2s supplied to Yale’s medical students are of the 64GB 3G variety and come with Apple’s Bluetooth keyboard. Must be nice to be a Yalie!
The iPad is also a more secure device than a laptop for handling Electronic Protected Health Information, Schwartz said. Students work with this confidential information when they do clinical training, and in the past campus staff needed to set up special security on students’ laptops for them to be able to handle it safely. By contrast, the iPad is encrypted and can be remotely locked or erased completely if it is lost or stolen.
Now you can bet that this is the type of story Apple would love to bring up the next time it holds a special media event centered on the iPad.
via Yale Daily News
Posted by gjblass at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Apple Tablet, Books, ebook, Medical Science, Text
Nike Will Sell Back To The Future Themed Shoes With Power Laces!
Author: JT

A few hours ago we told you here about an ominous tweet from Back to the Future producer Frank Marshall promising some sort of big, BTTF themed announcement. At the time we speculated that it might have something to do with rumors that Nike will release shoes with power laces. And now… we know it’s true.
It seems several people, like have received invitations to a secret unveiling. An unveiling which, the invitations to which, would seem to indicate they are about to start selling a BTTF themed shoe. Here’s what the invites look like:
And the box they come in contains these… replicas of the shades worn by Doc Brown after he returns from the future:
Marshall just tweeted this video, which pretty much confirms the whole thing:
That’s right, power laces are coming.
Here’s hoping hover boards won’t be far behind.
We’ll update you with more details on when and where you can buy them, as soon as Nike makes their big announcement. Someone point me to a store, I’m ready to get in line right now.
Posted by gjblass at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: 1980's, Back to the Future, nike
8 Fantastic Delivery Methods for Caffeine
By Shaun Clayton
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If you hung out at nightclubs, you could possibly score some drugs; if you worked at a pharmacy, you might be able to steal some prescription stimulants. However, since both of those things are illegal (also, they involve working and/or going to nightclubs) your best bet for energizing your flabby nerd body is the completely legal and utterly fabulous caffeine. But why stick to ordinary coffee and soda when there's so many other fabulous and exotic options out there? Here's a few ways you can get this wonder drug into your system you might not have known about -- and where you can get them.
8) Jolt Cola
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7) Stay-Puft Marshmallows
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6) Afri-Cola
This long-lasting Germancola has about 250mgs of caffeine per liter. That's a little less than a Red Bull, but in far tastier cola form. They actually tried to market a less potent version of Afri-Cola in Germany for a while, but sales immediately plummeted, so they cranked the content back up again. Why is it called "Afri-Cola?" No idea. It's hard to know since this cola is German, and it has now been nearly 80 years since it's original release. This means that this cola has some awesomely weird old commercials to it... like the one above.
5) Caffeinated Wild Turkey American Honey BBQ Sauce
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4) Surge/Urge/Vault
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3) Civet Crap Choice Coffee
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This coffee (also known as Kopi luwak) is harvested after going through the digestive system of a Civet, a tiny furry little bastard that lives in Sumatra, Indonesia. It looks like this:
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If you are wondering WHY at one point someone said "Hey, let's make coffee from rodent crap," well, it came about during Dutch colonial times. The Dutch allowed the native people of the Dutch East Indies to cultivate the coffee beans, but not keep any. You know, because they were so nice. The natives found a loophole - take the beans from civet crap, since there were no restrictions on brewing crap. The beans are, cleaned, roasted, and cleaned again and thus makes for some of the world's most expensive coffee. Not only is a little mammal that eats raw coffee beans hard to follow, the enzymes in the little creature's gut take all the bitter acid right out and make for a coffee that is, by most reviews, oddly fantastic. Really!
2) Blast Caffeine
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1) Black Blood of the Earth
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Posted by gjblass at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Caffeine