Thursday, June 30, 2011
Hardcore Fangirl gets the most badass Star Wars tattoo ever
You thought you were a hardcore Star Wars fan right? I’d like you to meet Lisa. Lisa is from Vancouver, Canada were she’s obviously become very powerful in the Dark Side. Being clever by making “aboot” or “Eh” jokes is bound to end in a crushed jugular (just letting you know). Also, she’d like me to point out that she got her ink done by Mitch Kirilo at
Posted by gjblass at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Labels: Star Wars, star wars art, Tattoo, Tattoos
Dr Pepper Suing Dr Pepper Over Using Dr Pepper
![]() |
Courtesy Flickr user Rich Anderson |
Using the "Dublin Dr Pepper" logo, Defendant isAs I wrote a couple of years back, when Heritage Auction Galleries was selling what was believed to be the original recipe for "Dr Pepper Pepsin Bitters," I remember well the days when my old man used to have to meet a dude in a parking lot to buy Dublin Dr Pepper -- very seedy for a soda. Then, of course, it started showing up at Central Market, and elsewhere, for around $7 a six-pack for those 8-ounce bottles-- very pricey for a soda. Then Plano-based Dr Pepper wised up last year and started selling 12-packs of real-sugar Peppers in 12-ounce cans to commemorate the 125th anniversary; Target sold the boxes of collectible cans (collect all six!) for a whole $4. Then Dr Pepper stopped, insisting it was a limited-time-only offering. My dad, who'd resisted the urge to hoard, hasn't been the same since.
selling across the United States from New York to California, throughout Texas, and in Plano,
Collin County, Texas, through solicitations on its website, a toll-free number, its Facebook page,
and to restaurants and retailers. This conduct directly violates the License Agreement's
prohibitions on sales outside of the six counties and infringes the rights of Plaintiff and its
licensed bottlers whose sales are diminished by Defendant's unlawful shipments.
Right now, you can't get the good stuff from the source via the Internet: "Many items recently on display -- including our 8 oz glass bottles and 12 oz cans -- are unavailable for internet purchase." The complaint, and one of the exhibits filed, follow. I'd recommend reading them at 10, 2 and 4.
Dr Pepper v Dr PepperExhibit in Dr Pepper lawsuit
Posted by gjblass at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Court news, lawsuit, Soda, Soda Pop
Q&A: ‘Beer Runner’ Combines Fitness With Drinking
By Noah Davis
Just days before turning 29, Tim Cigelske decided he wanted to do something special for his 30th year on the planet. The Marquette University communications specialist (read: social media expert) asked his Twitter followers, and the answer came quickly: run a mile and drink a beer every day. The challenge made perfect sense for Cigelske. In his spare time, he writes’s Beer Runner blog, which chronicles the intersection of lacing up the Nikes and leaning back with a brew.
More than 260 days later, he’s still going. Cigelske spoke with about running at 11:30 p.m., the proper pint-to-mileage ratio, and why he might never stop. How did this whole adventure begin?
Tim Cigelske: A day or two before my 29th birthday, I thought “Maybe I should do something for the next year.” I threw that question out on Twitter, and one guy said, “Why don’t you run and drink beer every day for the next year.” That sounded reasonable at the time. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Two hundred and sixty days later, here I am. What have you learned?
Cigelske: One thing I learned is that I could even do something like this. I tried one other run streak that lasted about 20 days, and then I fell asleep early one night. (That was shortly after my daughter Clara was born.) I’ve been running since high school, but this is probably the biggest challenge that I’ve ever tried.
The other thing I’ve learned is how much support there is from Twitter, Facebook, Daily Mile, Untappd, and other bloggers. I’m not sure I’d keep doing it if it weren’t for all the people that have shown support. It sounds incredible corny, but it helps so much to know that I’m accountable.
I wrote an April Fool’s column about stopping the run streak. It was loaded with references to beers that didn’t exist, but there were a lot of people who didn’t know I was joking. I had to tell them to check the calendar. Was there ever a time when you thought you weren’t going to be able to finish? Or, conversely, a point where you knew you could do it?
Cigelske: The plan was always to do it for a year, and as it’s gone on, I’ve realized that I want to keep doing it after a year. It is a little bit premature because I haven’t made it to a year yet, but that’s the plan. If you’re a runner, it’s almost easier to do a run streak than not because it removes the whole element of “Am I going to run today or not?” which is a lot of wasted mental energy. I have a routine; I know I’m going to do it every day.
Now, on day 260, I want to keep going indefinitely. Funny enough, there’s an official run streak organization and you can apply for membership after one year. There are people who have done it for 30 years. I don’t what to jinx it but knock on wood I’ll keep going after the year is over. My favorite runs are the ones where you trace out a number, like 100 on your 100th day or 250 on day 250. Where did you get that idea?
Cigelske: I totally stole that idea. It’s become a Daily Mile meme. The first person I saw do it was a guy named Marty (@mjburian on Twitter). He just finished a 50-mile race recently, and he wrote out his name by running streets. And I’ve seen Jonathan Surratt (@beerinator) do it. He’s written out “beer.” So I just took it another step. One hundred and 150 were pretty easy. Two hundred and 250, that took some creativity. You recently said you would run a beer mile if 30 people pledged to do a five-day run streak. Are you ready for the beer mile?
Cigelske: That was a partnership with Bolder. They came to me, we discussed some options, and we tried to get 30 people to do a run streak for five days. We got 60, and people are still going. One guy, after 20 days, decided to do 20 miles. It was kind of a shock that it took off. Now I have to make good on the beer mile part. I’ve done it before, but hopefully I’ll survive. What’s the closest you’ve come to missing either a mile run or a beer?
Cigelske: I ended up running on a treadmill at 11:30 p.m. in New Jersey one night. My plan was to run straight through past midnight so I basically got two days in one. But halfway through my run, I realized I hadn’t had a beer yet for the day, so I cut my run short, went up to my hotel room and cracked open one of the beers I brought with me, just in case. I had a couple of beers because I met some friends at a bar, went back to the treadmill, and ran a couple miles at 1:30 a.m. Any memorable beer-and-running combos?
Cigelske: I haven’t done a ton of races, but there was a 5K I did, and it was the fastest I’d run since high school. The night before I had a bunch of beers, including the New Glarus Wisconsin Cran-bic. I think the fruit-and-carb infusion helped.
I typically drink after my runs, but I’ve been known to have one before. One day I was feeling really run down at the end of a long week, and I thought I’d go out and have a couple of beers at happy hour. I ended up running an hour after that and felt great. Is this the best shape you’ve ever been in?
Cigelske: If I’m not in the best shape of my life, I’m definitely close. I’ve never felt better. I’ve built my way up to running about 50 miles a week with no problem, on top of biking to work every day. But it took months to get to this point. I try to vary my workout routines as much as possible. I’ll do 13 or 14 miles with my daughter in her stroller one day and do interval workouts another. I recently did mile repeats on the track and averaged a 5:33 mile, which I think is the fastest I’ve run since high school.
At the same time, I’m averaging about one beer for every three miles I run. If nothing else, running allows me to enjoy the beer I love guilt-free. That was the point all along.
Photo: Courtesy Jess Cigelske
Posted by gjblass at 2:27 PM 0 comments
"Camel Toes At An Oasis"
Posted by gjblass at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Animal Photography, Sahara Desert
Accept Your Mission and Watch the First Trailer for Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol
“The president has initiated Ghost Protocol,” intones an über-serious Tom Wilkinson at the start of the trailer for Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol. “The entire IMF has been disavowed.” Yikes! What happens now, super agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise)? “So, what happens now?” Yes — just asked that question. Stop being difficult and just cue up some Eminem — the first trailer for the fourth Mission: Impossible film is live and online.
Directed by Brad Bird, and starring Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Josh Holloway (early guess: bad guy), Paula Patton, Lea Seydoux, Michael Nyqvist, and a gun-toting Simon Pegg, the trailer for Ghost Protocol promises pretty much exactly what you’ve come to expect from the Mission: Impossible series: double crosses, disavowed agents, skyscraper shenanigans, sexy cars, sexier women, explosions, and Tom Cruise running away from something. Also, Tom Cruise dodging massive wrecked machinery — in this case, a wrecked car. Fingers crossed Bird has as much fun in his live-action feature directorial debut as J.J. Abrams did with Mission: Impossible III, still one of the more under-rated summer blockbusters to come out in recent years.
VERDICT: Accepted.
Posted by gjblass at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Coming Soon, HD Movie Trailers, Mission Impossible 4, Movie Trailers, tom cruise
Bob Solo
Posted by gjblass at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: painting, Star Wars, star wars art, Star Wars Spoof
What a love bite: polar bear takes a fancy to her trainer
Grizzly man Mark Abbot Dumas is the only man in the world who can touch a polar bear.The fearless animal trainer even goes for dip in a swimming pool where he and 16-year-old polar bear Agee enjoy a watery cuddle together.
Back on dry land he wrestles with the 60-stone (800lb) beast in her enclosure and bravely lets Agee clamp her huge jaws around his head.

Mouthy: Agee clamps her jaws around Mark's neck in an amazing demonstration of just how much he trusts the huge bear
And when the wrestling has tired both the animal expert and huge Agee out, they both enjoy a nap together inside Agee's enclosure.
Mark, 60, and wife Dawn, 49, from Abbotsford, British Columbia (BC), Canada, train the polar bear - the world's largest land predator - to star in high-budget TV adverts.
She even appeared in movies like Alaska in 1995 when she was just a few weeks old.
With their incredibly intimate bond Agee even bear hugs owner Mark as she rears up on her hind legs to over seven feet.

Dream life: Mark nestles up to Agee and takes a nap
‘If anyone else tried this they would end up as Agee's dinner,’ said Mark.
‘The only people in the whole world she likes are me and my wife.
‘I have worked with bears in this way for over 40 years, so I can read Agee's body language and know how to behave safely around her.
‘Agee has rules and we are always working inside those.’

Snap happy: Mark takes a picture of his ginormous pal as they take a swim together
Mark and Dawn took Agee on when she was just eight weeks old.
With links to Hollywood through previous work with animals, Mark was approached by director Fraser Heston - the son of screen legend Charlton - 16 years ago.
Heston needed a polar bear cub for his forthcoming film Alaska and Mark found Agee - a surplus cub at Kolmarden Zoo, Sweden.
Mark and Dawn went through a lengthy application to show they had the facilities to care for her.
After being approved they transported the tiny cub - seen here at their old family home in Mission, BC, just after her arrival - to Canada.

Breather: Mark and Agee take some time out from training and relax on the grass
‘She lived inside our home for the first few weeks and we hand-reared her,’ said Mark.
‘Eventually a time came when she was so big we had to move her outside into her own enclosure.’
Now Agee spends her time living in her new enclosure on rented land near Mark and Dawn's home in Abbotsford, and on the road working on TV and film sets.
At home, Mark enjoys 'play time' with her.
‘Earlier in the morning she's more playful and relaxed and she lets me roll around with her.
‘We wrestle for fun and sometimes we fall asleep on her grassy lawn together. It's a great way to unwind after a bad day.

Cuddle: Mark turns the tables on Agee and gives her a bear hug
‘I feel pretty privileged to be able to nap with my head resting on a fully-grown polar bear.’
Later in the day - when they are preparing for filming - Mark 'works' her, training Agee for the requested script requirements.
Agee performs a variety of commands in exchange for her favourite treats - steak, cookies, salmon and chocolates.
On cue from Mark, she rears up on her hind legs and will even pretend she's roaring when instructed to 'smile'.
‘She doesn't actually roar but she makes the action,’ said animal handler Dawn. ‘Film crews will later add in the sound of the roar if that's what they need for their production.’
Agee will also lie down, crawl and sit up in returnfor reward foods.

Affection: Agee licks Mark's face as they play around on the grass
‘She loves her work,’ said Mark. ‘They are extremely intelligent animals and you can see she gets enjoyment out of being stimulated through her work.
‘She could never have lived wild so it's important to us that we keep her active and thinking.
‘That's why I like swimming with her and playing on the lawn.’
In the evenings Agee is fed on mountains of protein-rich salmon, chicken or other meats, along with carbohydrates she gets from high-quality dog food and vitamin supplements.
‘In the wild she would be eating seal but we can't buy that so we have to try and replicate a fat-rich diet,’ said Mark.
‘Because they scavenge in the summer - when they are off the sea ice and on dry land - they have very adaptable diets.
Amazingly, Agee seems to have favourites between men and women.
‘She gets very jealous of other women talking to Mark,’ said Dawn.
‘She's happy with me doing it but if any other women are around she gets very possessive of him.’
Posted by gjblass at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bear, polar bear, Polar Bears
Bin Laden Killing Team May Have Used Night Vision Contact Lenses
Christian at's Kit Up! has heard an interesting rumor on one of the technologies that Seal Team 6 used to kill Osama bin Laden: Night vision contact lenses! Holy pants, Batman.
I heard a rumor that the Team guys who busted bin Laden might have been wearing "cat vision" contact lenses that literally give the wearer night vision for a limited time without having to wear the bulky, heavy NVGs.
Night Vision Goggles technology has advanced quickly over the last decade. Right now, the most advanced setups are panoramic models that use four 16mm image intensifying tubes, which provide with a 100º horizontal by 40º vertical field of view. They are made by the same company that makes the F-35 demon helmet as well as other manufacturers.
These helmets are still limited, however, especially for special operation teams. While they are better than your standard NVGs, they are quite bulky and heavier and still don't provide with the natural field of view that would be ideal for field operations.
These rumored night vision contacts, however, are almost sci-fi material. People have been speculating about this technology for almost a decade, so perhaps they exist in some hidden Area 51 lab. If anyone has access to these, that would be the SEALs from Team 6. We already know that these guys have access to really advanced, completely unknown technology like their stealth transport helicopters. I wouldn't be surprised if they had other toys like these. [Kit Up]
Posted by gjblass at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bin Laden, Bionic Eye, Contacts, Defense Technology, Eye, Future Technologies, U.S. Navy
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
New Trailer for The Three Musketeers
Posted by gjblass at 2:35 PM 7 comments
Labels: Coming Soon, HD Movie Trailers
Bantam and Del Rey STAR WARS novels Come to eBook Format
Lisa Mason
Posted by gjblass at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Big Day For Medical Marijuana in Mass?
It's hard to make stoner jokes about this week's hearing for House Bill 625 (and corresponding Senate Bill 1161), which would “regulate the medical use of marijuana by patients approved by physicians and certified by the department of public health.” Sure some token pot smokers were on hand at the Massachusetts Statehouse, sporting homemade jewelry and Rasta head wraps for their testimonies before the Joint Committee on Public Health. But the pachouli stench was overpowered by compelling words from folks who need weed just to stand up and hold down food.
Select Massachusetts legislators have been trying to sanction medical grass for decades, according to veteran Amherst senator Stanley Rosenberg, a lead sponsor of the Senate bill. Still for a number of reasons, the commonwealth has yet to deliver for its most vulnerable citizens. Despite marijuana decriminalization, and reduced risk for those carrying less than one ounce, anyone caught growing cannabis faces severe penalties. To medical marijuana advocates, that's unacceptable.
Bolstering the state's most sophisticated push for prescription weed yet – 27 legislators co-sponsored the House bill – more than 80 citizens filled hearing room A-1 for several hours of testimony yesterday. Setting the tone, Brookline representative (and lead House sponsor) Frank Smizik described the measure – formally known as the Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Act – as a matter of “compassion,” explaining the obvious but oft-ignored fact that trees are less harmful than most legal drugs.
Anyone interested in the detailed mechanics of the bills should read them in full. But for the sake of clarity here are some basic elements:
-First and foremost, this is an “act to protect patients with debilitating medical conditions, as well as their practitioners and designated caregivers, from arrest and prosecution.” In other words: THIS IS NOT FULL-OUT LEGALIZE AND TAX LEGISLATION!!!
-This bill would set up a marijuana prescription and dispensary system similar to those currently in 13 other states, including neighboring Maine and Rhode Island. If passed, however, there won't be a might-as-well-be-legal free-for-all like in California, but rather a maximum of 19 licensed (and heavily regulated) medical treatment centers statewide.
-These medical treatment centers will be not-for-profit entities that are permitted to “acquire, possess, cultivate, manufacture, deliver, transfer, transport, supply, sell, and/or dispense marijuana” to qualifying patients and other approved cardholders like primary caregivers and treatment workers.
-In order to obtain a marijuana card from the Department of Public Health, patients must get written certification from a licensed practitioner (just like any other prescription drug). Qualifying ailments include cancer, glaucoma, and post traumatic stress disorder.
-Qualified patients (and their caregivers) can either use not-for-profit resources, or grow marijuana on their own (cardholders can legally possess up to 24 plants, and between four and eight ounces of smokable weed).
Presentations to the joint committee ranged from fact-filled to frightening, with one bill proponent pleading – while holding up two soda can-sized pill bottles – “What are you saying? That I either have to take these or break the law? Why should I be a junkie just so I don't have to be in pain?” Another gentleman, testifying from his wheelchair, spoke through a computer on account of his suffering from Lou Gehrig's Disease. “I can't function without it,” he said, explaining how weed relaxes his his nerve and muscle spasms. “But I don't want to go to jail for it.”
Some legislators seemed to get it. Medford representative Carl Sciortino, who sits on the committee and co-sponsored H625, even pressed a bill opponent to justify claims that marijuana is a gateway drug. Joint committee co-chair and Jamaica Plain representative Jeffrey Sanchez also showed a sincere understanding, asking questions that demonstrated an apparent commitment to advancing meaningful reform.
Other lawmakers, however, gave insight into why Mass has yet to make this happen. Lincoln senator Susan Fargo suggested the potential benefits of THC alternatives. Worcester senator Harriette Chandler touted the testimony of former Worcester commissioner of public health Leonard Morse – even though she admittedly missed most of it! One of the few outspoken opponents of H625 in the room, Morse rejects this particular measure on grounds that doctors don't know enough about weed.
Others in the packed conference room took issue with the House and Senate bills for other reasons. Attorney Steven Epstein, who founded the Massachusetts chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (MassCann/NORML) 20 years ago, believes H625 is unconstitutional on grounds that “people have the right to self-medicate.” He's also skeptical of the bill's livelihood, since powerful law enforcement officials are lobbying hard against marijuana prohibition. (It should be noted that legislators heard powerful testimony from members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), who hopefully convinced some that the war on drugs is a sham).
But for most people in the crowded room, it's too risky to hold out for legalized weed. “This is an issue of life and death for a lot of people,” said Erik Wunderlich, a board member of the Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance, in an interview outside of the conference room. A chronic pain sufferer whose wife also has severe ailments, Wunderlich says there are countless people who count on marijuana just to make their final days tolerable. “This is not about getting high. This is about social justice.”
11,000 Lanterns Floating Over Poland
11,000 Lanterns Floating Over Poland - Watch more Funny Videos
Posted by gjblass at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Woman dies after she wakes up at her funeral
By Indo Asian
London, June 24 (IANS) A sick woman died of shock on waking up at her own funeral, it was reported here.
Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, woke up as relatives were praying at her open coffin, The Sun reported.
She screamed on realising that she was going to be buried.
The woman was promptly taken to a hospital in Kazan, Russia, where, however, she was declared dead from a suspected heart attack.
'Her eyes fluttered and we immediately rushed her back to the hospital,' the woman's husband Fagili was quoted as saying.
'But she only lived another 12 minutes before she died again, this time for good.'
Fagili is planning to take legal action against the hospital. 'I am very angry and want some answers. She wasn't dead when they said she was and they could have saved her.'
A hospital spokesperson said that they were carrying out an investigation.
Posted by gjblass at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dead, Strange News, Weird News
Recycled Shipping Containers As Disaster Response: School Built In Four Weeks After Earthquake
by Paula Alvarado
Shipping containers continue to prove their value to build almost anything, from amazing office buildings to houses to even boy scout cabins.
And although their use as a disaster response has been questioned, they've proven to be a useful resource when a tsunami hit Chile last year and a group of students from a local university was able to re-build a local school in a devastated town in only four weeks.
A fishing town of 3,000 people, Tubul is located about 500 kilometers (300 miles) south-west from Santiago, and was one of the areas most affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
In an effort called Viento Fuerte (Strong Wind), the architecture department of the Finis Terrae University gathered 56 advanced students to design, mount and equip a school for the town.
The project was built from 22 shipping containers donated by a company, which were properly isolated and used as prefab modules. There are 20 containers on ground level and two on a second level, which were jointed by one of their large sides to conform the different classrooms and spaces.
In between, there are open areas that serve as patios, which are shaded and covered to protect children from the rain. Part of the old school building that survived the earthquake was connected to the new structure.
Despite containers having been accused of 'top down' solutions in crisis response, the promoters of the project claim this school was designed not to be a temporary solution but a definitive, full functioning building.
As mentioned, an amazing part of the project is that it was designed and built in only four weeks after the earthquake. The university published a video in English sharing the experience:
The rescue of the Chilean miners and the Japan earthquake have long pushed the Chilean tsunami out of the news, but TreeHugger experienced first-hand that its consequences remain. The initiative Viento Fuerte keeps working on the reconstruction of Tubul and are currently gathering donations for their new projects.
Posted by gjblass at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Architecture, Chile, Design and Architecture, mother nature, School Systems, shipping
Silver Michael Jordan Shoe Selling for $100,000 on eBay
How much would you be willing to spend on a rare pair of Jordan’s? When considering this hypothetical question, how about if I upped the ante and said the shoes were modeled after a pair game worn by Jordan himself. Then let’s get a bit crazy and say the shoes are dipped in silver and are one of only 10 pairs ever made. Jordan himself owns a pair of them. How much is that worth to a rabid Michael Jordan fan, and/or shoe collector?
Well one ebay’er thinks that value is starting at $100,000 and could possibly garner more. Here is what he has to say about the kicks:
Posted by gjblass at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Air Jordan, Michael Jordan, Shoes, sneakers
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Transformation Of The World’s Worst Building

Ryugyong Hotel is a 105-story skyscraper in downtown Pyongyang, North Korea renowned for once being dubbed the “World’s Worst Building” after having remained hallow for over 20 years. Construction began in earnest in 1987 and, if it had been completed as schedule in June 1989, would have been the tallest hotel building and the 17th tallest building in the world.
However, Ryugyong Hotel was not completed in June 1989. After the crumbling of the Communist bloc and the deterioration of the North Korean economy, construction halted after the outside of the hotel was complete. What remained for almost 2 decades was a window-less, empty shell of the hotel in the middle of Pyongyang, which media outlets called “The Worst Building in the World”,”Hotel of Doom” and “Phantom Hotel”. Below, one can see how the Ryugyong Hotel stood for these years:

However, in 2008 construction resumed after Orascom — an Egyptian cell phone company — was given the rights to the hotel. After 3 years, the exterior of the hotel is now finished, with work progressing on the interior for a planned completion date in 2012.

Posted by gjblass at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Architectural plans, Architecture, Building, Design and Architecture, North Korea
Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' jacket sells for $1.8 million at auction

(CNN) -- In an auction featuring memorabilia from the Beatles, Madonna and Elvis Presley, it was Michael Jackson who proved to be king.
The red and black jacket, winged shoulders and all, that the late pop star wore during his zombie-ridden "Thriller" video fetched a $1.8 million bid at this weekend's Julien's auction in Beverly Hills, California, according to the auctioneer's website.
The winning price was exponentially above the estimated bid of $200,000 to $400,000. Part of the proceeds will go toward the Shambala Preserve where Jackson's two Bengal tigers, Thriller and Sabu, have been living the past five years.
The jacket had been given to Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush, the singer's longtime costume designers, to use as a reference for concert performances of the "Thriller" song. It includes an inscription to them on the jacket's lining, and the sleeve is signed, "Love Michael Jackson."
Its sale came exactly two years after the then 50-year-old Jackson was killed by a surgical anesthetic called Propofol, which a Los Angeles coroner ruled killed the singer in combination with several sedatives found in his blood.
The jacket wasn't the only piece of history from the late King of Pop that was part of the auction. The signature fedora Jackson wore during his Bad Tour was sold for $16,250, a handwritten note to friend Elizabeth Taylor went for $5,625 and a signed pillowcase fetched $3,584. And a bidder paid out $330,000 -- more than 10 times what Julien's had expected to get -- for one of the famous, shiny, crystal-covered gloves that Jackson wore during the 1980s.
"Michael Jackson has an unbelievable fan base," Darren Julien, the auction house's president, told CNN earlier this month.
Other pieces of history, from other members of music royalty, were also featured at the auction. While gold records and instruments were common items, others were more practical -- like Frank Sinatra's boots (selling for $2,500) and his 1986 Jaguar car ($19,000). as well as the U.S. Army-issued sewing kit of Elvis Presley's that went for $1,536.
The King of Pop's closest competition at the auction was the Beatles, which had a number of items for sale. A signed postcard from Liverpool's finest sold for $5,504 and Paul McCartney's bass guitar fetched $14,080. But oft-diminished drummer Ringo may have gotten the last laugh, with the cape he wore in the movie "Help!" selling for $37,500 -- about five times the estimate.
Posted by gjblass at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: auction. antiques, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson Death, Thriller
Check Out Disney and Pixar’s New Animated Film “Brave” In This Teaser Trailer (Video)
by: Greg Voakes
Disney has teamed up with Pixar for a new animated film, and by the looks of it, it’s going to be another monster box office success. It almost reminds us of The Legend of Zelda, but the Brave protagonist is a little girl. Check out the trailer for Disney’s movie, “Brave”.
Brave trailer:
Uploaded by DisneyPixar on Jun 27, 2011
Become a fan of Brave on Facebook:
Official Brave Website:
Brave coming to US theaters June 22, 2012.
Posted by gjblass at 3:34 PM 148 comments
Labels: Animation, Digital Animation, Disney, Disney movies, Pixar
12 oldest continuously inhabited cities
Old as the hills
- Damascus, Syria

Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone. Today its metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million people, and in 2008 it was named the Arab Capital of Culture.
- Jericho, West Bank

- Aleppo, Syria

Athens, Greece

The ancient home of philosophy and the birthplace of Western civilization, Athens boasts a history of habitation that goes back long before the days of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The city has been continuously inhabited for at least 7,000 years. The oldest known human presence in Athens has been dated to between the 11th and 7th millennium B.C. Today it remains a sprawling metropolis, and its Acropolis still stands, overlooking the landscape.
Argos, Greece
An urban settlement for about the last 7,000 years, Argos is in competition with Athens to be the oldest city in Europe. The city has long been powerful — its commanding position in the fertile plain of Argolis has earned it a powerful position, though it has a history of neutrality. For instance, the city refused to fight or send supplies during the Graeco-Persian Wars. Perhaps that's part of the reason the city has withstood the test of time.
Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Plovdiv was originally a Thracian settlement known as Philippopolis to the Greeks, and was a major city for the Romans. It was also ruled by the Ottomans for a time. The beautiful city has a rich history dating back millennia. Evidence of habitation dates back 6,000 years. Today it is still the second largest city in Bulgaria, and it remains an important economic, cultural and educational center.
Byblos, Lebanon

Though there is evidence of settlement as far back as 7,000 years ago, Byblos has been a continuous city for about 5,000 years. According to the ancient writer Philo of Byblos, the city had a reputation in antiquity of being the oldest city in the world. Interestingly, the English word for "Bible" is derived from "Byblos," because it was through Byblos that papyrus was imported to Greece.
Sidon, Lebanon

Inhabited for at least the last 6,000 years, Sidon was one of the most important Phoenician cities because of its location as a crucial port on the Mediterranean, a locale that also led to the city's conquer by a revolving door of the world's great empires, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Ottomans. Today about 200,000 people call Sidon home.
Rayy, Iran

Located within the Greater Tehran metropolitan area, Rayy (or Rey), Iran, has evidence of habitation dating back 8,000 years, though it has likely been continuously occupied for about 5,000 or 6,000 years. The city retains a wealth of historical monuments, such as the 5,000-year-old Cheshmeh Ali hill and the 3,000-year-old Gebri castle. It was a deeply sacred city to the Zoroastrians.
Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem is one of several cities to have sprung up between 4-5,000 years ago in the thriving Levant region, but it holds a unique place in history as the nexus of several of the world's great religions. For that reason, it is home to a wealth of spiritual and religious sites. Unfortunately, Jerusalem's Old City has also been added to the list of World Heritage Sites in danger due to modern-day urban development, tourism and cultural turmoil.
Luoyang, China

A number of ancient cities were first being built around 4,000 years ago in the Mideast and Europe, but Luoyang stands out from that time period as the oldest continuously inhabited city in Asia. Located on China's central plain, Luoyang is the oldest city in the country and is one of the Seven Great Ancient Capitals of China. It has been in habitation since Neolithic times, with a continuous habitation for at least 4,000 years. Located at the intersection of the Luo and Yi rivers, the city was considered to be the geographical center of ancient China.
Varanasi, India

Posted by gjblass at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Architecture, Cities, Design and Architecture, Historic Arabic, Historic Hebrew, History, Jerusalem, Lost Cities, lost city
Bird's-eye view: Seagull 'steals' video camera and shoots footage of its soaring flight above French Riviera
The term bird's-eye view has never been more appropriate.
A video has emerged of a seagull supposedly 'stealing' a video camera and carrying it off through the skies.
With the camera recording at the moment of lift off, the feathered directer accidentally records a video of its flight over Cannes in the south of France, home of arguably the world's most famous film festival.

Steven Seagull: This feathered film star stole a video camera and inadvertently shot a video of its flight over Cannes in the South of France

Shot from above: The seagull recorded its flight to the top of Cannes Castle, capturing images of the roads and streets below
The video begins with an unseen cameraman creeping through the garden of a large house at night, and then placing the camera on the ground.
An inquisitive seagull walks up to the camera and seemingly lifts it up with its beak, before flying off.
The cameraman can be heard making his protests with a rather feeble 'Hey. HEY!' but is not glimpsed as the gull files up above the streets and houses, with cars visible on the roads below.
After a short flight - punctuated by some rather amusing honks and squawks from the seagull - our star comes in to land on top of a building.
The gull pokes around at the camera with it's beak, turning it over a few times, before it settles on a view of another building with a fellow seagull visible - perhaps the leading lady in seagull circles.
The pair have a brief squawking session before the camera fades to black.

I'm ready for my close up: The seagull casts a beady eye over its shiny electronic booty, while in the background is a tower on which he soon finds a friends
'Seagull stole my video camera in Cannes France. I found it on the castle wall, where I had to climb,' wrote opica1983, the YouTube user who posted the video online.The question of quite how opica1983 knew where there camera had come to rest is unanswered.
One also has to wonder what the original cameraman was doing prowling around in the garden of a large house at night in the first place.
The video is entitled 'Seagull stole GoPro', which refers to the brand of camera.
GoPro make small cameras that are often used by sports people, sometimes mounted on helmets or even attached to surfboards to capture video from unusual angles.
The company has previously marketed its cameras with viral videos, including a snowboarding and surfing short that has so far been watched more than 3million times on YouTube.
In fact, GoPro has made something of a name for itself in that area and has previously been praised for its viral video advertising by the likes of Mashable, the internet and social media news website.
Perhaps after seeing the success it has enjoyed in viral videos the company has decided to spread its wings into viral video advertising.
Or perhaps there actually is a seagull out there with a desire to be in the movies...
Posted by gjblass at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bird, birds, Camera Phone, Digital Camera, Portable Media