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Monday, January 19, 2009

Nudists Save Lingerie Bowl

lingerie_bowlIII_04.jpg (JPEG Image, 404x594 pixels) - Scaled (98%).jpgWell, those prudes in Tampa got their way, and the Lingerie Bowl won't be tainting their apparently pure city. Instead a nudist resort in Pasco County stepped in and saved the day. The joint is appropriately called the Caliente Clothing Optional Resort, which should fair well for the Miami Caliente team.

The Caliente will play the Tampa Bay Breeze January 30. The winner will then play either the L.A. Temptations or the Phoenix Scorch during the Super Bowl's halftime in a live pay-per-view program.

No word on whether on-site spectators will be able to watch in the nude, but we're hoping not, because we just got the worse mental image of a nude stadium wave ever.

Buy your Tickets Here.