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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Tallest Rock Climbing Wall in the World

Located in Groningen, Holland, this climbing wall is considered the tallest in the world. Photos courtesy of Eric Kieboom.

It's lonely at the top

The photographer used a custom-rigged kite with a camera attached to achieve the aerial shots.

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Located in Groningen, Holland, this climbing wall is considered the tallest in the world. Photos courtesy of Eric Kieboom.

The Excalibur Awaits

This monstrous climbing wall called Excalibur towers at over 121 feet.

click image to expand

Located in Groningen, Holland, this climbing wall is considered the tallest in the world. Photos courtesy of Eric Kieboom.

Aerial photo trick

Another angle from the kite photo rig.

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Located in Groningen, Holland, this climbing wall is considered the tallest in the world. Photos courtesy of Eric Kieboom.

It's a long way up ... and a longer way down

Many beginner climbing paths are available as well as more treacherous expert routes.

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Located in Groningen, Holland, this climbing wall is considered the tallest in the world. Photos courtesy of Eric Kieboom.

Flat as Kansas

The Excalibur is hard to miss in a country as flat as Holland.


Dennis Hodgson November 11, 2010 at 7:19 PM  

There's one thing wrong with this wall: it's outdoors! No use for training during the winter, and during the summer I'd rather be out on real rock. This post describes the author's lifelong enthusiasm for climbing.