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Monday, October 27, 2008

Google's Newest Plane Is a Fighter Jet

Dornier Alpha Jet Now Parked at Moffett Field

By Lori Preuitt

Google's newest purchase is a fighter jet to be parked at Moffett
Dornier Alpha Jet

Google's newest purchase is a fighter jet to be parked at Moffett

Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have added to their air fleet.

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Raw Video: Larry Ellison Flies Fight Jet

They are now the proud owners of a fighter jet.

They purchased a Dornier Alpha Jet like the one pictured. They are storing it in a hangar at Moffett Field in Mountain View.

Our news helicopter flew over the hangar and found a closed door, but the control tower confirmed the jet was inside.

The New York Times says the plane is outfitted with scientific instruments to help out with NASA missions.

The Google founders also own several other jets including a Boeing 757.

All of the planes have landing rights at Moffett, which is within a few miles of the Google campus.

Brin and Page are not the only Silicon Valley moguls to buy a military plane.

Oracle's Larry Ellison owns several aircraft, including fighter jets.