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Monday, October 27, 2008

Dr. Who Comics Make a Comeback

Doctor Who comics of the past, present and future are making a comeback. (He's a time traveler. He can do that sort of thing.)

Throughout the show's 45 year history, Doctor Who has been a powerful multimedia presence. Whether appearing on television, in movies, in books, etc., The Doctor's adventures lent themselves to any storytelling style. It's only natural that his colorful sci-fi adventures would find a comfortable home in comic book form. With Who's first run episodes on a temporary hiatus, it's a natural enough time for those comics to step to the fore.

The latest volume of new titles hit stands this month with Doctor Who: The Forgotten from IDW (top). Written by Tony Lee with art by Pia Guerra, the six-part series features David Tenant's current Doctor alongside his season three companion, Martha (Freema Agyeman). The Forgotten follows the same publisher's Doctor Who: Agent Provocateur (the first title written specially for an American audience).

IDW previously published the Doctor Who Classic Series, reprints of Marvel's U.K. efforts from the 1980s (including strips drawn by Watchmen artist, Dave Gibbons).

Drwhoclassicgrant01cvraFans get a look at the history of those 1980s comics and their ancestors on the recent Doctor Who DVD releases from BBC Video. "Black Orchid" features a look back at the Fifth Doctor's well-inked journeys. And "The Time Meddler" documents The Doctor's first strip adventures in the early 1960s and the William Hartnell era.

Finally, IDW is also republishing the 1990s comics (bottom) by legendary writer and artist, Grant Morrison. The scotsman carried the comics mantle for Who during the Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy eras before the show's pre-Russell T. Davies exile.

Artwork courtesy IDW