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Friday, July 24, 2009

Tron 2 Titled Tron Legacy, First Image!

The first big panel of Comic Con, Walt Disney’s 3D presentation in Hall H, has just finished. If you were following Katey’s Live Blog then you know that Tron 2 finally has a title. It’s called Tron: Legacy and Disney has just sent us the first ever title treatment for the film.

Official Synopsis- Tron: Legacy is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that’s unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (GARRETT HEDLUND), the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn (JEFF BRIDGES), looks into his father’s disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 25 years. Along with Kevin’s loyal confidant (OLIVIA WILDE), father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.

Watch the movie’s title float about the game grid in high-res below:

tron: legacy image

UPDATE! In addition to the title image, Katey has started sending in some really incredible concept art shown at the panel for Tron: Legacy. Take a look:

Keep checking back, we'll be updating this page throughout the day with more incredible Tron: Legacy images as we get them.