Kids and Science
Milo and Sarah: Liz Henry (CC licensed)
In today's links: Rube Goldberg and Charles Darwin live on, and more.
- If your children (or you) ever complain about how stupid science is, or need a real-life explanation of how physics works, you can just show them this video. What better way to understand vector forces, etc., than with a nutty Rube Goldberg machine whose objective is smashing a Cadbury egg?
- Another valuable, less-noted use of science? Breaking down the pluses and minuses of going on a cookie diet.
- Another good reason for kids to like science -- it provides immortality. Two centuries after his birth, scientists, an investor, a video game creator and television producer discuss why Darwin still matters.
- And then, someday, maybe they'll be inventing things like this: Tiny "microcantilevers" that can more easily detect viruses in fluids -- by mechanical means -- which could lead to better blood tests in the future.
- Of course some parents get kids involved in science by experimenting on them.
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