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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Indoor Surf Board Works Your Balance, Leg Strength and Core

By Alexander Davies


indo board exercise workout

More than 30 years ago, surfer Hunter Joslin was looking for a way to practice his skills while not on the waves. He came across an old balance board, and found it worked his balance and demanded leg and core strength. He improved on the design, and today, the Indo Board can be found in gyms all over the country.

While great for surfers, the Indo Board’s benefits can be enjoyed by all athletes, or by those just looking for a good workout. It comes in two main varieties; the board sits either on a roller or on an easier to balance, air-filled cushion.

As you can see in the video below, there are a lot of drills you can try, and only your imagination limits you:

If you want to try it out before committing the $100 to $200 for an Indo Board of your own, check your local gym- many offer classes.


FauziUzi June 4, 2018 at 3:29 AM