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Friday, July 22, 2011

20 Shockingly Great iPhone Photographs

By Justin

The iPhone is now officially the most-used camera in the world, according to Flickr, and it’s camera gets better in every version. Entire subcultures of “iPhoneographers” have formed, and now there are people who shoot professional-quality images with their iPhones, and those who are obsessed with vintage photography who use the popular Hipstamatic and Instagram apps. There are now even iPhone-only photography competitions and clubs!
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Here are fantastic iPhone photos to get your mind going about all the crazy things that are possible when you focus on the art, not on the equipment. (credit appears below photos)
ZeHak 5477
ZeHak 5182
ZeHak 3889
ZeHak 5644
By ZeHak
IMG 0295
IMG 0320
IMG 0321
IMG 0320
IMG 0330
By Justin Lowery
5946661081 44bb7469d2 z
5942761673 a7e0b32228 z
5927022218 12b67b89e0 m
By Sarah
Screen Shot 2011 07 20 at 4 45 49 PM
By Greg Schmigel
5597548569 d07b77027a
By Ian Bramham
5939187841 5d114a6757
By Catastrophic Plan on Flickr
Screen Shot 2011 07 20 at 4 50 23 PM
By D. Ingraham
5622393188 45f788452b
By Doctor Popular on Flickr
5813054438 bf0a0556fe
By Marianne S. on Flickr
5653992525 c1a4a17a82 b
By Joshua Ewing on Flickr
Screen Shot 2011 07 20 at 5 12 35 PM
By Ryan Tastad
All of these photographers have managed to utilize the great photography apps on the iPhone, paired with it’s always-present nature, to make great images. It’s so true that, as they say, “The best camera is the one you have with you.”