Play This Holographic "Instrument" Using Your Mobile Phone
Music Boxel from aircord on Vimeo.
Using smartphones to interact with installations at exhibitions is something we’ll no doubt be seeing a lot more of. Artists Sander Veenhof and Mark Skwarek already used them to launch a guerrilla AR attack on MoMA in their DIY Augmented Reality Art Invasion last October. Not quite as audacious but still thrilling is this collaborative installation, Music Boxel, from Japanese interactive designers Aircord and Uniba.It’s a multi-user interactive music game which allows people to interact with it using their smartphones. By holding their phone up to a QR code they download the software and can then point it at the 3D hologram and add or remove voxels, changing the graphical interplay of the display and the pixellated sounds it makes.
Aircord have been experimenting with 3D holograms and mobile devices for a while now. Check out the video below, which shows a mobile phone used for 360 degree 3D projection.
N-3D "Mobile Ver." from aircord on Vimeo.
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