Halloween means one very important thing to the television world: a good excuse for a holiday special. Every year, writers find some creative (and some not so creative) ways to write-in the spooky holiday, from costume parties to ghost-themed episodes. While you’re counting down the days until this year’s
Treehouse of Horroron November 7
th, why don’t you revisit some free episodes of Halloweens past? Maybe you’ll find a little inspiration for that costume you’ve been putting off.
What’s better than spending the holiday with the spookiest family around? When everyday is Halloween around the mansion, find out what makes October 31st special for the Addams family.
Finally! ALF has an excuse to come out in public. He’s excited, I’m excited, but the Tanners aren’t excited. Find out what mayhem ALF can cause when he doesn’t have to hide out in the garage.
Kelly’s friends warn her about choosing a sexy costume but she doesn’t listen and ends up with some unwanted male attention. In other news, Donna wears a mermaid costume and she can’t walk in it. Typical!
Endora puts a curse on Darrin that causes him to turn into a werewolf. Why? Simply because he wouldn’t let Samantha go out on Halloween. He should probably know better at this point.
This one’s a Halloween episode for the children, or maybe just for the nostalgic. Bobby creates a spooky maze in his living room, earning money for charity and candy for himself.
In this classic from the second season, trick-or-treaters run amuck in Sunnydale as they begin turning into real life versions of their Halloween costumes. Ghost and goblins and Medieval maidens, oh my!
Carly investigates a haunted apartment in her building, in typical iCarly fashion. Watch out for the gigantic pumpkin!
For the kid in all of us! This one gives us a chance to find out what Halloween will be like in the future. The Jetsons is based on fact, right?
MacGyver has to save the day yet again. Only this time, he attends a costume party to do so.
Angela travels back to 1963 to witness the events leading up to a high school student’s mysterious death. But mostly, she just looks adorable in her 60s glasses and sweater.
As if you need any excuse to watch South Park on repeat, here’s a good one. Halloweens there involve space stations, Satan, and Korn. I can’t think of a reason why you wouldn’t want to revisit these gems.
Go back in time for Betty’s first Halloween on air. Same drama, different outfit.
Halloweens might come and go, but these special holiday episodes remain forever. We’re looking forward to seeing how television deals with Halloween, 2010 style. Got a favorite past episode or something special you’re excited for this year? Let us know!
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