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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aroldis Chapman Throws Record-Breaking 105 m.p.h. Pitch

On Sept. 1, we told you about Cincinnati Reds reliever Aroldis Chapman's Major League debut, in which he pitched four 100+ m.p.h. pitches, including one that clocked in at 102.7 m.p.h. In a game this weekend between the Reds and the Padres, Chapman threw what is believed to be the fastest pitch ever recorder: a 105 m.p.h. fast ball inside to Tony Gwynn Jr. Chapman had been throwing in the 100s for his entire appearance, including a 104 m.p.h. fastball just before this record-breaker. Watch multiple videos of the pitch — from multiple angles — after the jump.

The TV broadcast from center field, including a funny "Bingo" reference by the announcer.

The view from the stands from behind the first-base dugout. The guy gets most of the preceding pitches, but only the scoreboard on the 105 m.p.h. pitch.