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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Erykah Badu Went to Dealey Plaza, Got Naked, Shot Video. City Hall Distances!

On March 17, Erykah Badu and a small crew went down to Dealey Plaza to shoot a very naked video for "Window Seat."

Earlier this morning, Pete posted the evidence to DC9: Erykah Badu's "Window Seat" video, the latest informercial for New Amerykah Part Two: The Return of the Ankh, in stores tomorrow. Since its release in the wee small hours Saturday morning, the video -- filmed entirely in Dealey Plaza in one take on March 17 -- has become the subject of much controversy, not only because of where it was shot, but because of Erykah's decision to take it off take it all off (Matt & Kim-style) in front of Grassy Knoll bystanders on her way to the X-marks-the-spot where John Kennedy was shot to death in November '63. Then, in the end, there's a shout-out to The Organization Man himself, as the word "groupthink" spills out onto the asphalt.

Erykah's having fun with the attention as the video transitions from music blogs to news sites. Says she via Twitter, "ive been punished AND rewarded enough times by love and life to dedicate the whole thing to EVOLVING. i am happy. i expected the gossip blog sites to spin it negatively. i expected people to ride with me."

Except, maybe, Dallas City Hall. Schutze's bestest bud Frank Librio just sent an e-mail in which 1500 Marilla Street says no way no how did it approve the video shoot.
All commercial film/video or photo shoot projects must be permitted through the City of Dallas Office of Special Events/Film Coordinators. The production company that produced this video never contacted the City to seek the proper permits. This is known as "guerilla filming" where production companies circumvent the proper permitting procedures and usually shoot these scenes in one take knowing that if they are discovered they would face arrest and/or penalties.
Update: Since the video keeps coming and going from YouTube, you'll find it after the jump. For now.