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Friday, May 22, 2009

‘Fringe’ star fired!

By Greg David

Canned thespian reveals firing on Facebook

Fringe, Fox
Charlie has fallen off the 'Fringe'

People use social networking website Facebook for different reasons – to post pics of their kids, boast that they’re sunning during a day off, or lamenting that Kris Allen won American Idol.

Actor Kirk Acevedo utilized FB in a different way; he let the online community know that he was fired from Fox drama Fringe, reports Entertainment Weekly.

“Well boys and girls, they done did yer boy wrong! They fired me off of Fringe, and I’ve never been fired in my life!!!” his FB status read.

This is a bummer on a couple of levels, as Acevedo’s character, FBI agent Charlie Francis, was a nice addition to the cast, injecting just the right amount of skepticism in contrast to the rest of Fringe’s characters.

Plus, Charlie only recently survived being injected with monster saliva, which morphed into nasty worms that were going to devour him from the inside.

He made it through that, only to be let go by producers.

The Live Journal website adds that a casting call has gone out, looking for a female FBI agent who is “attractive, brash, outspoken, quick-witted and capable.”

Rest in peace, Charlie.