What a nice cat!
The below was completely stolen from this guy's site.
I personally think cats are awesome when trained properly. Here’s further proof. Check out these images of a FUCKING JUNGLE CAT living in a house with people.

Theoretically you should let wild animals be, you know, wild animals. They like to run and hunt and shit in the jungle. Or you could keep them in your home and let them do those things there!

Yes, what you’re seeing is the owners offering this jungle cat a ritualistic sacrifice of a chicken. Well, actually, what you’re seeing is a completely fucking disintegrated chicken that’s probably thinking it should have gone back to school instead of walking the streets and agreeing to get into a car with these strange people who kidnap live chickens and feed them to their jungle cat.
This is simultaneously the most awesome and most fucked up thing ever. It’s like having a child whom you had resurrected by a witch doctor after his untimely demise but, now that he’s back alive, he can only subsist on the flesh of nubile coeds. Except, with a jungle cat, you get snuggles and licks!
More photos below and even more on the site I found it on.

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