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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Unbelievable: Woman actually sticks 3 credit cards in Wii, breaks the system

This story may explain why Nintendo is overly careful with the casual audience and has announced services to help them out with technical procedures. One woman who purchased a Wii for her children this Christmas jammed not one, not two, but three credit cards into the system. The woman had asked a neighbor about the Wii, as she only purchased a few controllers with the console. Inquired about which games are recommended, the neighbor suggested purchasing a few retail games in addition to classic games from the Wii Virtual Console.

Naturally, the woman was also unclear about how the VC works, and the neighbor noted that “all she needed to do was put in her credit card when prompted on the Shop Channel.”

It shouldn’t be a surprise what happened here. The woman later called up the neighbor, and complained that the Wii wasn’t working.
What did she do? She put three credit cards into the Wii disc slot. You might be wondering why she put in three. She put the first one in, thinking it couldn’t be accepted, so she tried two other credit cards.

Apparently the woman is now expecting the neighbor to pay for the damages. You can take this story for what it is, though. I don’t necessarily think that this was fabricated, but there are no pictures to prove otherwise.