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Monday, September 22, 2008

What’s that smell? Why, it “Smells like Wii Spirit”

Smells like Wii Spirit

The Wii, when used well, is still unique amongst the current generation of consoles to immerse gamers in games in new and interesting ways. Video games, also, are powerful in the way that they can appeal to all… well, most of… our senses; sight, touch, sound, even taste back in the old days.

But of all the human senses, there’s one that games have long neglected to accommodate.


Chinese hardware developers AreusTech have invented a rather original accessory for the Wii, the uniquely named “Smells like Wii Spirit”, which is capable of emitting unique scents depending on the games you’re playing.

Super Mario Galaxy: Sweet, aromatic, flowery
Wii Sports / Wii Fit: The pleasant aroma of sweat
Tiger Woods: freshly mowed grass

No word yet on where in the world this product will be distributed to. Don’t worry though, you’ll know. You’ll smell it coming a mile off.