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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Airline WiFi Sparks Porn Debate - Coffee, tea . . . porn? Flight attendants are urging American Airlines to filter its in-flight Internet service to block passengers' access to raunchy pornographic Web sites. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants said both employees and passengers have raised "a lot of complaints" since the WiFi service was put in place as part of a test project on several cross-country flights out of Kennedy Airport last month, Bloomberg News reported. The association said it met with AA officials and called on them to install filters to block offensive content. Although the move to carry WiFi access on planes has created a new revenue stream for the ailing aviation industry, it also has created new headaches as passengers retrieve sensitive e-mails and adult Web sites in tight quarters. "Customers viewing inappropriate material on board a flight is not a new scenario for our crews, who have always managed this issue with great success," he said. Passengers have been allowed to bring porno mags and personal DVDs on board flights.

What kind of stewardesses are these? I remember a day when flight attendants only had 3 jobs. Mix you a stiff drink, fluff your pillow and give you a boner when they walk down the aisle. Fast forward to present day and you’re lucky if they even bother to show you where the emergency exits are. And now they are actually trying to hinder your in-flight enjoyment. No wonder the airline industry is in shambles. The fact of the matter is that when you’re stuck on a six hour flight there is no better time killer than porn. A good stewardess should know this and shouldn’t be complaining about the diversion. If anything they should be suggesting a few good websites and helping clean up the mess after it’s over. I mean isn’t that what they are there for in the first place? To help with the enjoyment of the flight? Come on ladies, stop complaining and do your job.