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Screen printing

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Best MF Star Wars cake EVER!

Once cake artisan Jennifer Luxmore of Sin Desserts in Providence, RI, caught sight of the Millennium Falcon cake by Charm City Cakes (of Ace of Cakes fame) plowing its way through the interweb tubes last week, she immediately contacted the one man whose respected position in the geeky cake community could launch her own incredible custom Star Wars cake work to the renown and fame it deserves.

And when that guy wasn’t available, she got in touch with me.

Millennium Falcon Cake

As she told me about this 100%-Certified EdibleTM “yellow cake with chocolate ganache filling, covered in fondant with sugar paste add ons” Millennium Falcon cake:

I just saw the Death Star and the millenium falcon that ace of cakes did, so I felt I should share one that I did last fall…..

Millennium Falcon Cake

It is as Master Yoda says, Jennifer: trust your feelings. Share away.

It was made for a friend’s wedding as the groom’s cake. After having finished all my regular work and the couples wedding cake. I called a couple of friends, who knew the couple, to come over and help paint and do detailing as it was getting pretty late the night before the wedding! My friend Jason Brockert is a painter so he did most of the painting on this one.

Millennium Falcon Cake

Well, cheers to Jason. He contributed a fuggtastic amount of character and detail to the piece. I can almost see shards of Tie Fighter wedged in the hull.

Millennium Falcon Cake

This isn’t Jennifer’s first time crafting confectionery artwork in the form of a Millennium Falcon.

I consider this one the “been around the universe a couple of times” model. I recently did another and it’s a bit shiner…more of a “just off the showroom floor model.” I personally like the “been around the universe” model.

Millennium Falcon Cake

Yeah, I like a model that’s got a few miles under the hood, too. If you know what I’m sayin’. About Star Wars cakes. Uh. Yeah.

Some how I’ve ended up doing a lot more of these weirder custom cakes rather than traditional wedding cakes. When Jason gets married next year, the guys want me to do either a Death Star (full size, well sort of) or an AT-AT… that one’s going to be hard!

We’ll be looking forward to seeing more geeky goodness, Jennifer. Thanks for getting in touch, and keep up the good work.