R2D2 Swimsuits: The MOAR Bikinis Edition
From: http://www.geeksaresexy.net/

When one of our Facebook page commenters told us he wanted “LESS BIKINIS, MOAR SCIENCE”, I was about to stop posting pictures of female cosplayer altogether, but fortunately for me (and probably for a lot of you too), a horde of loyal fans came to the rescue telling me that they wanted more of both. So to satisfy everyone’s appetite, we’ll start things off with a post compiling some of the best pictures of ladies wearling Black Milk Clothing‘s awesome R2D2 swimsuit, which unfortunately doesn’t seem to be on sale anymore. Oh, and for all you science fans, don’t worry, Adrienne has already started working on a series of “MOAR science”-themed posts, a little like Jimmy’s old “Science is Sexy” series, which you should all go check out if you already didn’t.
Edit: The word “bikini” in this post is used as a metaphor. Thank you! ;)
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