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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Germany surrenders in war of the beer drinkers?

Aug 4th 2009
By Michael Rundle

The rivalry between the UK and Germany is long, complex, and (at this point) probably about football as much as the war. Whatever the reason for its existence, however, we are duty bound to bring it up whenever we can.

That's why we're celebrating the news today that sales of German beer are at their lowest since records began 18 years ago -- that's right chaps, the Germans have given up the fight to drink the most beer in the world!

Apparently sales of the cause and solution to life's problems are down 4.5 percent year on year over there, meaning the Germans are now at unprecendented levels of soberness.

True, the Germans are still getting through around a billion litres of beer per month, which by our rough estimation is around twice as much as us and a very hardy 38 pint per month for each legal-age man... But the trend is going our way!

That this news comes on the same week as the Great British Beer Festival in London simply makes it all the more sweet... Come on lads -- if we try really hard we can take back the title! Just 998 million litres to go!