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Friday, July 17, 2009

The greatest movie trailer in the history of movie trailers

by TopIdol

This is a real movie. It’s called Tiptoes. People don’t believe me when I tell them it exists because it sounds so ludicrous.

“So Matthew McConaghay is the only average-sized person in an all-midget family. And he has a twin brother who is an LP, played by Gary Oldman. So McConaghay’s girlfriend is Kate Beckinsale, who gets pregnant and…”

Yeah, that’s how it kind of goes. I swear. And it’s real. It’s also complete shit and was obviously never released in any theater. Anyway, it came up yesterday at work and obviously, no one believed me. So I looked up the trailer and showed everyone, leading to them being subsequently mesmerized

I’ve watched it about 10 times since. Not because I have issues (well, I do, but that’s besides the point) but because its so damn funny. I have decided it may be the best movie trailer EVER.