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Screen printing

Friday, November 7, 2008

Urban Art, pimp my drainpipe

above: buster simpson's downspout planter system, seattle. photos found here and here.

holy shit, i love creative people.

these modified downspouts can be found in seattle and were created by artist buster simpson as part of the 'growing vine street' project. as you can see, rainwater is redirected and used to feed greenery that's been placed in the pipes' u-shaped offshoots. a simple idea that manages to make something as dull as a drainpipe attractive. thankfully though, it's not the world's first, or best, pimped drainage system. no no no. that honour still belongs to this mental building in kunsthofpassage, germany...

above: kunsthofpassage, dresden, germany. photo from here.

when i become king of the world these kind of systems will be mandatory.

while we're on the subject of drainpipes, seems like a good excuse to post a banksy...

above: typically brilliant work from banksy, lower clapton road, london. photo from here.