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Friday, October 17, 2008

Students solve space coffee problem

Two Costa Rican engineering students have invented a coffee-maker which can be used by astronauts in space.

Two engineering students have invented a coffee-maker which can be used by astronauts in space. ;

Currently astronauts have to resort to drinking instant coffee heated by microwaves.

In zero gravity, water floats in globules and adheres to any receptacle in which it is placed, posing the problem of moving the water through a coffee filter.

Also, in zero gravity, the application of heat causes water to evaporate instantly.

Franklin Chang, a former NASA astronaut, decided there must be a way to allow cosmic voyagers to enjoy a true cup of filtered coffee and took the challenge to the Technological Institute of Costa Rica.

Two students at the Institute's Electromechanical School, Daniel Rozen and Josue Solano, took on the challenge and came up with a design called the space infuser.

Mr Rozen said: "We turn on the switch. The machine will heat the water to 90 degrees centigrade, the ideal temperature for a cup of coffee.

"Once the water reaches that temperature, we direct the water which is found in the heating chamber towards where the container is found, resulting in a delicious cup of coffee."


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