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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hugh Hefner’s 7 Step Guide To Being A Ladies’ Man

Written on Monday, June 23rd, 2008 by Alex Shalman
Posted in Relationships


At the time of this writing Hugh Hefner is 82 years old. He has slept with more beautiful women, by their own free will, than any other man in the history of the world. He must be doing something right.

No, having wild crazy sex is not every human beings idea of happiness, nor is it the only means to having a good time. In reality sex is among the lowest forms of pleasure, below love, below following a great cause, and below cultivating our own creative nature.

However, it does not escape me that many readers of this blog are men that wouldn’t mind having sex with hundreds of beautiful women throughout their life time. While not everyone can be Hef, there are certain things you can do to be a ladies man - similar to Hef.

Seven Steps To Pimp Like Hef

1. Create Your Own Universe.

“Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.”
~Hugh Hefner

We only have a short amount of time on this world. Both to take pleasure in everything around us, contribute to society, and live out our dreams.

When you set your own rules in life you become a charismatic ruler. Within your own universe you are the law. As far as you’re concerned you create your own destiny - you are man!

Besides, if all you do is try to live into someone else’s vision of a great life you’ll always miss your own great life. You’ll never take pleasure in what you have. You’ll never be you. However, I think anyone of us here would trade our left sock, at least, to live inside of Hef’s dream - am I wrong?

Follow your own particular dreams. We are handed a life by peers, parents and society, you can do that or follow your own dreams. Life is short, be a dreamer but be a practical person.
~Hugh Hefner

Nothing is more true than this. When we allow our peers, parents and society to dictate who we are, we aren’t even a person. We’re just a mushed together version of other people’s expectations. The lady man’s only expectations are the ones he places on himself. He is his own motivator and executor.

2. Aim To Please.

“I have about 100 pairs of pajamas. I like to see people dressed comfortably.”
~Hugh Hefner

A real ladies man cares about the comfort and well-being of the people that surround him. This includes taking extra steps to include the physical, emotional and perhaps even spiritual comfort of your ladies.

You can do this by being a good listener, by keeping them in good threads, or by letting them be without judgment and criticism. Of course it’s important to establish yourself as the source of their good feelings. That’s what keeps them coming back to you!

3. Act Like You’re Young, Even If You Aren’t.

“In many ways, I’m younger than I was 20 years ago”
~Hugh Hefner

People have an irrational fear of death in many forms, shapes and sizes. More so than being old, acting old can lead people to have an adverse outlook towards you because you are a representative of what’s old and decrepit. I personally don’t feel this way, I think age can be accompanied with wisdom and experience, which I personally revere highly.

Anyway, if you’re feeling young, despite your age, you are making the people around you feel much better. They’ll be drawn to your youthful energy and look forward to spending their time with you. You will become the source of all that is youthful, energetic and vital.


4. Take Up Space.

Hugh Hefner’s bed is huge and fits a good 7 people - comfortably! Come on, surely you can see the benefit of being able to fit 7 people in your bed, and if you can’t, I don’t know how you made it this far in the article.

With such a huge bed the possibilities are expansive. You can sleep sideways, diagonally, backwards, forwards, one leg up, one leg hanging off the couch, under the pillows, next to the pillows, on top of the pillows. The only limits are the ones set by your imagination.

The point. When you take up space you establish that you are a powerful force that others can look to for strength and calmness. The Ladies’ Man thing to do here would be to share some of this space with the women in your life - of course!

5. Live With Passion.

“I didn’t want to repeat my parents’ life. I saw in their lives a routine and a lack of dreaming, a lack of the possibilities, a lack of passion. And I didn’t want to live without passion.”
~Hugh Hefner

Passion is a contagious beast, and if you’re living your passion you’re leading by example. Hugh always talks about living the dream he had as a young boy. All that he does is for that boy. The magazine’s success? He edited it for himself, and in turn it became super popular with everyone that thought like him (which is every man and certain women).

“I remain very much connected to my childhood … I have never been too jaded or too sophisticated — it keeps me alive every day.”
~Hugh Hefner

You can live with passion, and it is passion that will make you live. What a great win-win situation. It just shows how being happy and not too serious increases the pleasure that we can extract from our day to day.

6. Break The Boundaries.

“One of the things I’ve tried to do with my life is redefine the boundaries that I think are very limiting. I’m not suggesting that everybody should have three girlfriends, or necessarily have girlfriends living with them. I think there are many, many options to living your life.”
~Hugh Hefner

You aren’t going to be the best version of yourself if you don’t allow yourself to be unique and original. In fact, you won’t be the best at anything, you’ll only be a good copy of someone successful, if you’re even so lucky.

How many times have we heard of the term ‘Think Outside The Box’? It’s an expression that means to think differently than you normally would, and/or to think different from mainstream thought. That’s what makes one unique, and being different in a good way is what separates the ladies’ man from the average chump.


7. Expand Your Brand.

After working on the first edition of Playboy in his kitchen, and selling 50,000 copies off the bat, Hef went on to do great things. You can find everything from clubs, movies, television, radio, internet and every conceivable type of merchandise.

So how does this help you become a ladies man? Well, my curious grasshopper, once you’ve got a good thing going you can leverage it. This works not only for business but for your luck with women. The truth is dating, relationships, and other ‘related activities’ are largely based on a principle known as the numbers game.

When playing the numbers game it is important to understand that working and reworking your tactics, as well as tracking the progress, and then reworking again, is the name of the game. Once you’re known as a ladies man among some, it’s just a matter of the word getting out.