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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Tunes with the Pig Roaster

For my third installment, a little change. Instead of focusing on one artist, we'll instead take a look at one song: Jimi Hendrix' "Little Wing"

Easily one of his best, if a bit overlooked, tunes - the guitar playing is sublime and a prime example of why the man is so revered. It's been covered more than a few times by some prominent bands - so lets take a listen to some.

First, the original - live from 1969 (horrible video - great audio):

Not too long after the original, and falling quickly on the heels of Hendrix' death, the song was interpreted and performed by Clapton's group Derek and the Dominos (featuring one of my all time favorite guitarists, Duane Allman, on slide guitar). This version seizes upon the emotional heart wrenching and longing that was the overall theme of the Dominos "Layla" album.
(Note - I couldn't find an embeddable version of the original Dominos version, so here's Clapton and his current band from last year - featuring my hands-down favorite player (and Duane Allman heir) Derek Trucks on slide):

Going in the other direction - leaving behind the pining and longing (and the lyrics) and focusing on the sheer beauty is this version - perhaps my favorite - from one Mr. Stevie Ray Vaughn:

Finally, here's a version that before today I had no idea existed - and now wish I could forget. Skid Row covering Little Wing. It is not good. You have been warned: