22 Scrumptious Cupcakes to Satiate the Techie Appetite
Geeks are not always weird. Apart from endless hours sitting motionless in front of the computer and ridiculous faith in science-fiction, they are certified human beings with all humanly needs. When they combine their bizarre interests and human beings’ desires, let’s say cupcake, the results can be astonishingly delicious. Here is the list of 22 geekiest cupcakes for your appetite.Star Wars Cupcakes

Star Wars cupcakes come in a set of 20 whereas each cupcake features a character or an item you either love or hate: the Dark Lord Darth Vader, young hero Luke Skywalker, beautiful Princess Leia, faithful R2-D2, powerful Yoda, the impressive space station and you name it.
Star Wars Cupcakes II

Image Source: two parts sugar
Baked by a Flickr user called two part sugars, this Star Wars cupcakes collection offers no less variety and geekiness.
Clone Wars Cupcakes

Image Source: Star Wars Blog
It’s no surprise that A Baked Creation‘s blogger Sylvia, the creator of Clone Wars cupcakes, is a Star Wars noob whose only knowledge about Star Wars is Darth Vader is the father of Luke Skywalker. Real fans would go for real Star Wars.
Darth Vader Cupcakes

Image Source: Kati Peck
Danger! Danger! The dark side of the Force is on the rise! There are so many Darth Vader cupcakes that it might take a large number of humans to finish them all.
Superhero Cupcakes

Baked by JustJenn, these awesome Superhero cupcakes feature logos of legendary superheroes: Superman, Batman, Fantastic Four, Flash, etc. that any true comic fan would have no difficulty identify.
Google Cupcake

Image Source: Bryan Gosline
The Google cupcake, characterized by the famous Google logo and homepage on top, is appropriately clicked with a Macbook Pro in the background.
iPod Touch Cupcakes

It must have taken The Cupcakelicious a lot of time and Apple frenzy to carefully bake and arrange these cute little cupcakes into the perfect replica iPod Touch’s homes creen.
iPhone Cupcakes

Image Source: Brian.Cornell.Com
These scrumptious cupcakes have been decorated to look like the various iPhone applications. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait three weeks for approval from the iTunes App Store before you can actually eat them.
Mac Cupcakes

Image Source: Shiny Shiny
It’d be inappropriate if iPhone and iPod cupcakes are here and Mac cupcakes are not. They come with white piped icing theme inspired by the signature white color of Mac.
Windows and Mac Cupcakes

Image Source: Krynsky
Windows and Mac joined hands together for the first time in a party where the host serves them side by side together with mouse cupcakes and CD/DVD cupcakes.
Ubuntu 10 Cupcake

Image Source: The Cupcake Blog
While open source Ubuntu is for everyone, this tiny Ubuntu 10 cupcake is only enough for the owner of the Macbook on the background.
Laptop Cupcakes

Image Source: Oh, Sugar!
Of course, we need these tiny laptop cupcakes to run all the operation systems cupcakes we have had above.
Lego Cupcakes

Image Source: FollaBackGrrl
Many people have used Lego pieces to build various things, but this FollaBackGrrl is probably the only one who uses Lego to make cupcakes.
Robot Cupcakes

Image Source: Gearfuse
An understanding Mom has made these delicious frosting robot cupcakes for her 3 year old kid, making him the luckiest boy in the world.
South Park Cupcakes

South Park series has been around since forever and its brilliant humor has been entertaining us for generations after generations. OK, I agree that I might be a little bit exaggerating, but those South Park cupcakes do look fun.
Blue Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Image Source: GadgetHer
Even if you are not a big fan of Sesame Street, these mouth-watering Cookie Monster cupcakes with all of his overly adorable facial expressions will make you scream out loud “Me want cookie!”, “Me eat cookie!”.
Angry Bird Cupcakes

If you have ever found yourself restlessly chasing the green pigs to have them pay for stealing your eggs, you will also find it impossible to resist those inviting Angry Bird cupcakes.
Domo Kun Cupcakes

Image Source: GadgetHer
Japan does not only have sushi and Hello KittyDomo, it only has these fearful sawtooth Domo Kum cupcakes. In case you have never heard of Domo, it is the mascot of NHK television station in Japan. In case you have never heard of NHK, google!
Hello Kitty Cupcakes

Image Source: GadgetHer
Talk about Hello Kitty, it would be inappropriate not to mention these ultra cute Hello Kitty cupcakes. Not recommended for upright straight guys, unless you want to give your girlfriends a surprise.
Periodic Table Cupcakes

Image Source: GadgetHim
The periodic table cupcakes are something that can actually make chemistry palatable. Created by a teenager called Kimmy, those cupcakes make up the entire periodic table with the information of different elements on each cup.
Brain Cupcakes

Image Source: Not So Humble Pie
Those imagination provoking brain cupcakes were made based on the creator’s reasoning that “human brains are filled with chocolate ganache”. As you expected, these cupcakes were made of a swiss meringue butter cream and a chocolate ganache filling.
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