Tuesday Tunes - Travis Tritt
Just a quickie this week. Long Haired Country Boy slings a mean guitar!
Adding Value To The World, one Post At A Time
Just a quickie this week. Long Haired Country Boy slings a mean guitar!
Posted by Gary at 4:13 PM
Здравия всем,
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A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Last week I found this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Wii tournaments for money[/url]
They say you can play online Madden game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?
Good day !.
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