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Monday, November 3, 2008

Yes on #2 - time to make the laws fair.

Question 2 TV ads are on the air!

On November 4, 2008, we will have the chance to pass Question 2 into law – a ballot initiative which will remove the threat of jail time for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana for personal use. Question 2 will save the commonwealth millions of dollars in police resources each year and end the unjust policy of saddling Massachusetts residents with a lifelong criminal record, known as a Criminal Offender Record Information report (or CORI), for this minor infraction.

Question 2 is a moderate, mainstream proposal that enjoys a wide and deep level of support. According to recent polls, a majority of voters support Question 2, and 30 non-binding public policy questions (PPQs) calling for similar reforms have passed in districts across Massachusetts since 2000 — with an average of 62% of voters in favor. And Question 2 has been endorsed by prominent figures like the former first attorney general, veteran law enforcement officers, and Boston University's dean of the School of Public Health.

Thank you to all the CSMP volunteers, petitioners, and supporters who have worked to successfully bring the Question 2 campaign to this point. With your continued support, we will make history this November!

The Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy