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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sacha Baron Cohen's “Bruno” Coming To Theaters May 2009

“Bruno” Movie Coming To Theaters May ‘09; Annoying Catchphrase Coming To Offices June ‘09
By Dan Hopper

BrunoUniversal announced that the film “Bruno” — Sacha Baron Cohen’s big-screen follow-up to “Borat” featuring his lovably gay Austrian fashion reporter character — will be in theaters on May 15, 2009. This is intriguing for three reasons:

1) Universal is gambling on an R-rated comedy right at the start of summer blockbuster season and the same weekend as “Angels & Demons,” the “Da Vinci Code” sequel. Has “Sex and the City” perhaps set the tone for future summer box offices? At least for movies with some sort of massive gay component?

2) Even in a post-Borat world, Cohen managed to complete his guerilla filming with a minimal amount of blog photo-spoilage.

3) We’ll be hearing a butchered catchphrase ALLLLLLLLLLLLL summer long. Probably “Niyce!” again, somehow.

After the jump, whet your hidden camera appetite with my (and everyone else’s) favorite “Bruno” sketch from the HBO series:

Posted on 06/17/08 4:05pm