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Thursday, November 1, 2007

13 Amazing Jack-o-lanterns We're Too Lazy to Make

It's that time again--time to plop down a five spot and take home a pumpkin. Chances are you'll forget about it until it starts to rot and you begin to smell something unpleasant emanating from some neglected corner of your apartment.

To help inspire you in this time of need, we've put together a collection of 13 bad-ass jack-o-lanterns that will put anything you try to carve to shame. This way, you don't even need to try.

Put down that little saw-toothed knife and enjoy the work that other people have already done for you...

popular approach seems to be the gross-out. Pumpkins puking
pumpkin guts, nasty, mildewy pumpkin teeth, secreting orifices.
You know.

If you've
got a lot of time, are really bored, or have been blessed with
freakish pumpkin carving abilities, you can always go the intricate
route. These two are among the many mind-boggling ones you'll
find at

Maybe it's
because small pumpkins, squashes, and gourds are so abundant this
time of year, but cannibalism is always a popular theme.
Pumpkin on pumpkin crime. It's a shame.

If you're
feeling a little wild, you can always opt for something inspired by
the animal kingdom. The nation's number one threat? Bear

the traditional jack-o-lantern a little boring? Try for
something bizarre, like a disgustingly large burger or a beached
giant squid. Yum!

When all
else fails, simply tack on some appendages to your pumpkin.
Limbs on things without extremities are always entertaining.
We found these on